Authentic and honest reviews

Authentic and honest reviews are important to us. That’s why we asked some of our clients if we could record a video with them. They tell us their story of why they’re following Vietnamese lessons with Enjoyable Vietnamese. Watch their reviews below.


Mr. Anders from Norway has been living in Vietnam for many years but did not have the opportunity to formerly learn Vietnamese until now. He said, “I’m having a great time at (Enjoyable Vietnamese). You should try it.”

Ms Tamara from Serbia loves her lessons with Enjoyable Vietnamese so much that she presented flowers to her teachers on Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, describing them as “the best teachers of Vietnamese language in the world.”

Adam and Laura have been following Vietnamese lessons for the last 5 months with Enjoyable Vietnamese. They say, “Our teacher Hằng is great and makes the lesson fun and interesting.”

Mr Gareth is living in Saudi Arabia. He wants to learn Vietnamese to surprise his Vietnamese wife when he comes home. “If you want to learn this beautiful language then give (Enjoyable Vietnamese) a call.”

Ms Patricia from Australia regularly visits Vietnam. She wants to learn some basic Vietnamese to join in with some basic conversations. She says, “The lessons are really well-structured and allows me to progress my own rate of learning. My teacher is absolutely excellent.”

Mr Mark from Canada enjoys how his teacher encourages him to speak Vietnamese. He says, “I would encourage anyone else who wants to learn Vietnamese to take a look and see what they offer.”

Mr Tae from Thailand has been doing Vietnamese lessons online for over 6 months. He said, “I am very enjoying to learn Vietnamese with this team. I hope you guys (will) like to learn Vietnamese language and enjoy to learn Vietnamese language too.”

Mr Don from Australia is living in Vietnam as an English teacher and wants to be able to speak Vietnamese. He said, “I really recommend this organization. My teacher is called Hang. She is very patient and prepares excellent lessons.”. Mr Don joined after watching other reviews.

Mr Taro from Japan lives in Huế and enjoys studying Vietnamese language at Enjoyable Vietnamese. He said “thank you very much” to his teachers and that he wants to stay in Hue “much longer” because he loves it.

Sign up for a Free Trial

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey after watching these reviews? Join our free one-hour trial of Vietnamese language lessons and experience the joy of learning a new language.

Dive into our “Cultural Gateway Experience,” where you’ll not only learn the language but also immerse yourself in the rich Vietnamese culture. Picture yourself mastering essential phrases, while virtually exploring Vietnam’s enchanting cities and traditions.

Our trial offers a unique, personalized learning pathway, tailored specifically to your interests and goals. Whether it’s conversational Vietnamese for your next travel adventure, business language skills, or foundational vocabulary for beginners, our expert tutors craft each lesson to fit you perfectly.

This isn’t just a language lesson; it’s the first step in a journey of discovery and personal growth.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and hopefully we can add your experience to our reviews very soon!