Learn vocabulary in the Park

Hello from Huế, Việt Nam

Have you ever tried learning Vietnamese while wandering around?

Let’s go to the park and enjoy learning Vietnamese with us!

Xe đạp” – or bicycle in English, is the vehicle that Vietnamese people often use to travel around in a short distance. Before going out for a ride, what should we bring? In the video, we have 3 useful items which are: “chai nước” (bottle of water), “túi” (bag) and “áo khoác” (coat).

Vietnamese people often ride bikes “vào buổi sáng” (in the morning) since the atmosphere is peaceful and fresh. Particularly, sunny days, or “trời nắng” in Vietnamese, always seem ideal for outdoor activities like this.

What are there “ở công viên” (in the park)? Hmm, there is a lot to enjoy. We can find some beautiful “hoa” (flowers) on the flower bed, “cây dừa” (coconut trees), or “bãi cỏ” (lawn) with plenty of “cây” (trees).

We have learned many new helpful words in the park from the video. Let us come to the park and enjoy a new day in a perfect way! If you are fascinated in learning more about daily vocabularies in Vietnamese at different places, stay with us for the upcoming blogs.